There are a lot of people out there who, without wanting to wish their lives away, cannot wait for March to come around. One such person is Theresa May, who …
It’s been a pretty good week for Theresa May, by all accounts. Her bodged attempts at securing a Brexit deal have been swept under the carpet now that she has …
You know what: let’s all say no deal to Brexit, to Theresa May and to the politicians who continue to run this country in shambolic fashion. Instead, let’s enjoy ourselves …
De La Soul rapped that ‘Three is the Magic Number’ in their seminal 1990 hit which reached number seven in the UK pop charts. You can forgive Theresa May for …
Will it or won’t it? Will she or won’t she? Those are some of the most commonly occurring questions in UK politics right now. Willa Brexit deal be voted through …
Given the ridiculous amount of pressure she and her team are under to deliver a Brexit divorce plan that works, you can understand the amount of hours Theresa May is …
It has been a reassuringly quiet week in politics. Jeremy Corbyn hasn’t managed to alienate the entire Jewish community, Donald Trump hasn’t started World War III and, crucially, Theresa May …
There are worrying similarities between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, from the far-right views to the scarcely believable haircut they both tend to sport. There’s a very real chance that …
Trump has put his foot in it – again – and there’s continued confusion as to what is happening in the Brexit negotiations. Basically, the past week in politics could …
Oh what a life to be a politician. While Great Britain basks in its first proper heatwave in four decades, the folks that run our countries are trapped inside discussing …